Portrait Photography: Last Day FOR REAL


Today we will finish our portrait photography unit. Really.

Today we will:

  • Post your 15-20 BEST black and white photos to the blog. Let Ms. Lawson know once you have published these, and she will consult  you on the best ten when she is available.
  • Write an artist statement about the project that is a minimum of 150 words (more is better).
  • AFTER YOU HAVE CONSULTED MS. LAWSON, create one final blog post with your strongest 10 edited photos and your artist statement. If you do not complete this step by the end of today’s class, you must arrange a time to do so.

Exceptions: Brian has completed the project and may have a study hall, Giacomo just needs to add an artist statement to his final photo collection, and Yolie just needs to create a final blog post based on the written feedback.

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